What a great day to be a Rotarian in Cheyenne,WY.  Beautiful weather, members on Zoom and live.  Several members stopped by that we have missed dearly.  Almost made us feel that all was right in this world.  


Lew Stubbs - WAY TO GO!  He received his Paul Harris Award from President Kathy.  We are so proud of all of our Paul Harris Award recipients and we are blessed with Doc as a member that continues to lead the way for us.


August 11 will be our club assembly and business meeting.  Please join us, we would like to have all voices heard.

August 29th will be our club picnic.  It will be 5 p.m. - 7p.m at Lion’s Park, families invited.  More information to come.

Upcoming service project will be to benefit Family Promise.  Jim Coffin is organizing and we will follow his lead.  More information to come.

Our presenter today was Dr. Douglas G. Frank.  He predicts through patterns as a scientist.  Today he specifically spoke about Covid and what the curve looks like to a scientist.  It was a great presentation and showed us a different side of Covid not presented by the news.  You can follow him at “Dr. Frank Models.”  He posted on his fb after our presentation “Just finished a talk for the Cheyenne Sunrise Rotary Club! (Wyoming) It was fun hearing their playful banter, typical of Rotary clubs around the world. It also provided an incentive for me to organize and prepare a formal Powerpoint presentation summarizing what we do on the Dr Frank Models page and some of our results. It's good to step back and evaluate one's work regularly, not just always down in the data weeds. These interviews have naturally required me to do this.”


 Take care my friends - have a great week.


Brenda Laird