Jessica Friis & Lindi Kirkbride

Jessica Friis and Lindi  Kirkbride gave a presentation on the High Plains Arboretum, the amazing history from the beginning. Did you know at one point, there were only 6 trees in Cheyenne?  The Arboretum was instrumental in making Cheyenne greener.  
The Board voted to sponsor a table at the Boys and Girls Club Back a Kid’s Breakfast.  Mark you calendar for May 10, 2022, 6:30 a.m.  We will be meeting there instead of our normal meeting.
May 10, 2022 - We will meet at 5:30 p.m. to do our spring Greenway Clean up.
One of our major fundraisers is coming up.  June 17 is our golf tournament (Brenda guarantees great weather).  If you have a sponsor suggestion or would like to form a team, contact Brenda, Kevin or Kathy.  This is a “team” effort and we need your help.