Kari Eakins speaks on education
Posted by Phil Noble
on Jun 14, 2016
The Communications Director of the Wyoming Dept. of Education, Kari Eakins, filled in for her boss, State Superintendent Jillian Balow, who was called to Washington, D.C. to testify to a congressional committee. Kari gave a very in-depth and comprehensive update of the state of education in Wyoming, answering tough questions from the Rotarians present at the end of her talk.
One of the many difficult issues to address in education, she said, is how Wyoming students compare to students elsewhere--in another state or across the globe--and the reason it is difficult is that people everywhere use different metrics to measure educational achievement. "I don't know any teachers who didn't get into the profession to help educate our kids," she said, "and that's the bottom line--how are our kids learning."
There have been many measurements over the years in an attempt to improve education, she said, but for the last 13 years, until last year, congress could not decide on what those measurements should be. The latest iteration, she said, is named ESSA, and is another form of measurement.
Kari did an exemplary job filling in for her boss and deserves the thanks of the Sunrise Rotary Club for another excellent presentation.