2017-18 CSR President Roxanne Ostlund was sworn in along with what some joked looked like half the club members as officers and directors. Roxanne passed out a very ambitious six-point goal sheet for the year she hand-drew and annotated with funny characters.
The goals are; 1)--grow the club by 3 new members, 2)--9 Paul Harris Awards! (Nine more out of a club of 29 people, 14 of which already have PHF awards!)…her reasoning is that as a club, we are only about $1500 away from signing up nine more people, given the PHF points we’ve already accumulated, 3)—Publish an inspirational children’s book, with the subject being something like; “You can be what you dream” and Mike Weiland and Justin Kallal are to help, since they already are doing work in that area…, 4)—start a Rotary Community Corporation supporting education (GED’s, corporate awards, training materials), 5)—A “Thankful Thursday” event, which will be held Sept. 21st and could be one of CSR’s major fundraisers and includes selling raffle tickets ($20 ea.—see Dorothy Jacobson) and donating items for the auction that night (Dorothy and Kathy Claywell are heading up the event) and, 6)—Every member a Rotary P.O.A. (People of Action), a District 5440 Governor’s People of Action Citation 2017-18, recognizing members who provide exemplary service by; *-bringing a prospective member to a club meeting or activity, [do three of these}: *-giving to the Foundation, *-Sharing your Rotary story, *-participating in a Rotary service project (like the Golf Tournament), [do one of these]: *-actively participate in Rotary by being on a committee or serving as an officer, *-Attend a Rotary district event, training, or ‘other’ event (which Roxanne will hold). You are encouraged to submit your own nomination for the citation, which can be found at Rotary5440.org, clicking on “resources for 2017-18 officers” then clicking “people of action citation” on the left side of that page. Please note you only have to qualify for three of the first four and only one of the last three to get the citation.
Stay tuned for updates.