What a GREAT day to be a Rotarian!  This beautiful August morning brought many Sunrise Rotarian’s to the breakfast table.  We are currently still doing a hybrid meeting which brought several surprise guests in this a.m.  Our beloved Phil was there joining us from AZ.  He has been so missed.  AND Rita joined us today as traveling has been limited.  Our hearts were full of joy.  Those in person were thrilled to see Pat this a.m.  When you become a Rotarian you become a member of our family and everyone is so important to make up this club.  Thank you for Zooming in, dropping by and just keeping us close in heart.
Congrats to Steve and Kris Dorsey who celebrated 50 years of wedded bliss.  Daryl and Jim were celebrating new grand-babies.  Blessings always!
SATURDAY, AUGUST 29TH 5 P.M.  - 7 P.M. - Sunrise Rotary Picnic.  Lion’s Park - North Picnic Area.  Kevin will be doing a Milk Can Dinner and those joining in can bring a side.  Please let Kevin know if you can join in on the fun.
One of our newest members Kelly Wright did a presentation on the Inland Ocean Coalition.  Kelly started this chapter in 2019 and it was the 10th chapter to form.  Great information was shared on how plastic use destroys our land but major destruction to the ocean and ocean life happens, even from our inland.  Kelly started this chapter out of her devastation over plastic in the ocean and her desire to change the future of our oceans.  We in Wyoming have no ocean view BUT we are the headwater for two oceans, Pacific and Atlantic.  Do you realize that we use over 500 million straws in one day in the US?  Excellent presentation!  Thank you Kelly.
Have a great Rotarian day.
Brenda Laird