Wyoming's tourism history, caring members, etc...
What a great day to be a Cheyenne Sunrise Rotarian.
We had a wonderful fun filled meeting this a.m. Lynn Birleffi was in the house giving a presentation on the past and present history of Wyoming tourism. We are so blessed to have such great presenters that live right here in Cheyenne. Lynn is married to our very own Phil Noble. Thank you Lynn.
Additionally we had Kacee Hansen from Rotaract talk about their shelter project event this week-end. I encourage you to stop down at the Depot Plaza on Friday night after 5 p.m. or before 5 p.m. Saturday to cheer their sleep out on for a worthy cause. Go down and support them...donations are also welcome and appreciated. I remember the story of George McIlvaine and Assistant District Governor Billie Addleman doing this with Rotaract, sleeping out on a chilly night right on the sidewalk. There may have been a call to Brandi for a care package delivery. Ask Billie to tell you the story. It is a smile and giggle waiting to happen.
Several members brought books for the Challenge Program in Guernsey. Thank you, we had about 30 books. They have been dropped off at Jim's office for delivery.
The golf committee met yesterday. Excitement is building for the tournament coming up on June 24. Get involved in helping. It is our second fund raiser of the year. We NEED everyone's help to make it a success. The proceeds go to help fund our scholarship at LCCC for a male and female student, help with funding Foster Grandparent's, support Rotaract and help build a strong Sunrise Rotary Foundation. Ask a business to sponsor a hole or gather a team to golf. HELP is needed.
No meeting May 17th. Rotarian's are urged to attend the Back a Kid's Breakfast to support the local Boys and Girls Club right down the hall from our regular meeting room at the same time.
Finally - remember to go out and support the community this week through giving. Many opportunities exist - May 13th - Day of Giving at the Kiwanis Community House, May 14th - Post Office food drive for local shelters and pantries. May 13th - May 14th - Rotaract Shelter in Place Sleep Out - Depot Plaza Center. Wear your Rotary pin and show that we support all organizations and make a difference together.
Have a great week.