Members of the Cheyenne Sunrise Rotary Club have donated a total of $1,680.00 to a scholarship fund set up in the name of our immediate past president, Brenda Laird. Club members felt that Brenda has given of her time (much of it), money (her husband surely doesn't want to know how much), great leadership skills (recognized by Rotary District 5440 as being one of the outstanding club presidents, so much so that they invited her to give presentations on "How To Run A Rotary Club" at district conference and at the regional Presidents-Elect Training Seminar in Denver) and by her natural grace and sense of humor.
Most past presidents of this club would tell you that it would be difficult to find someone who put more into the job in more ways than Brenda, so it was not hard to raise the money for this scholarship to, in a small way, honor someone who has done so much for our small club.