What a great day to be a Rotarian! Way to shine Sunrise Rotary Club, way to shine. We truly had a celebration this a.m. showing up in numbers. We had some in the audience that we have missed terribly and one that has been a member for a year and this was the first in person visit. Our small club came together with a bang!!!
Upcoming events include our service project highlighting the Safe House, annual golf tournament highlighting Foster Grandparents, Cancer Boutique at CRMC (honoring our beloved Kathy) and PETS (Zoom) Conference next week. Busy, busy, busy.
Our speaker this a.m. was Mayor, Patrick Collins. We thank the Mayor for a presentation that was informative and gave us hope for the Cheyenne future. We learned about property around Cheyenne sold and will shine again, land use, housing, business leads, roads and Cheyenne Fire Dept needs.
Thank you for showing up in force and supporting the club. Sunrise Rotarian’s ROCK!